This combination of compounds is formulated to
- purify the blood
- strengthen the kidney
- cleanse the liver
- Pathogens, toxins and sticky mucus can be removed at a higher rate from the blood with the strengthening of the liver.
- Also helps with brain and nerve support
This can be used alone and it is also included in the Full Body Detox Package.
- Burdock root- kindney and liver cleanser, blood purifier. Recent evidence has found that burdock root contains active ingredients in its root system that can remove toxins from the bloodstream.
- Sarsparilla- Binds with toxins and pathongens to aid with the removal from the body. It is highly effective at helping with hormonal problems since it may help increase the body’s production of testosterone. Men commonly utilize it to help fight hair loss, improve fertility and sexual function, and add muscle mass to their body. There is also evidence that it can help women that are dealing with menopause control their symptoms by regulating their hormonal balance.
- Blue Vervain- Blue vervain has commonly been used for depression and anxiety. Anecdotal evidence suggests that blue vervain tea was used for insomnia. The extracts have an anti-tumor potential. Helps Mental focus.
- Chaney Root - Since the chaney root has a high iron content it is particularly useful for strengthening and cleansing the blood; this is ideal for persons suffering from anemia and low blood count. The chaney root is also used to relieve back pain, arthritis and rheumatism. The root is also used to treat rashes and a host of skin problems. Jamaican chaney root is also used as a popular aphrodisiac, particularly amongst men who are looking for a boost for their sex drive and an increase in overall stamina as well as a remedy for impotence.The chaney root is also used to help stop internal hemorrhaging in women, which may occur after childbirth or during menstruation. This is accomplished by boiling the root with garlic for around 15 minutes then allowing the remedy to cool, after which the mixture is sipped throughout the day. Chaney root is also used as a remedy for fatigue and was an “old time” treatment for syphilis.
- Jamaican Guaco - Suppresses coughs, expels phlegm (mucus), dilates bronchials, asthma, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, pain relieve, blood-thinner.Other actions: Fever reducer, blood cleanser, wound healer, diuretic, increase perspiration.Its a antidote for snake bites, venereal disease, ophthalmia, rheumatism and gout, and dysentery.
Iron Support - 30 Day
SKU: Iron Support 30 Day
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.