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Jamaican Soursop Leaf (Annona muricata), also known as Graviola or Guanabana, is a powerful healing plant with many medicinal properties and benefits. It is deep-rooted in Jamaican folk medicine, where it is celebrated as a good "nerves" bush, for its calming effect. Our Sour Sop Leaves are harvested fresh from wild grown Sour Sop trees located in the mountains of Jamaica. The leaves are then rinsed and dried under the rays of the tropical island sun. The dried leaves are then grinded and placed into vegetarian capsules.


"Herb category “What we believe at Vital Vegan INC through research is the best fitting category for what each herb impacts the most"


"Herb category" : Healing the Body

Main Minerals- Niacin, Riboflavin, Folate and Iron.

Compounds: annonaceousacetogenins. This active compound is considered to be part of the type of plant compound (phytochemical).


Benefits of Sour Sop Leaf Capsules

  • Exhibits Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Properties
  • Potentially Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells
  • May Help Fight Cancer
  • Treats Infections
  • Filled with Beneficial Antioxidants that May Help Reduce Eye Disease
  • It is a potent immune booster, to help the body avoid disease.
  • Helps regulate blood pressure.
  • The leaf is also beneficial to diabetic patients; the nutrients in them are known to lower blood sugar levels to a normal range.
  • Consumption of the leaves is also known to help with gout.
  • Treats back pains.
  • Soursop leaves help to treat arthritis pains, eczema and rheumatism.
  • Soursop leaves contain powerful healing agents that allow them to be used as an anti-seizure medication, aids in fever and blood pressure reduction. Inflammation and swollen feet is no match for these leaves!
  • They also settle upset stomach and improve appetite.
  • Soursop leaf consumption on a regular basis helps in improving stamina and facilitating quick recovery from disease.


Wild Crafted Sour Sop Leaf Capsules

SKU: SourSop Capsules 30 Days
$48.00 Regular Price
$24.00Sale Price
  • Please allow up to 3 days for processing. Shipping delivery date does not include processing time. We use the USPS for shipping.  By choosing Standard shipping, there is a chance your order may take over a week to arrive. However, for faster delivery, you can choose Priority 2-3 days or  Priority Express for 1-2 day, though it is  not guaranteed, more often than not, it will arrive on time.

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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